Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Things have finally settled down for daughter. Her mother and I decided last night that we'd share her residency one week on, one week off to give her and her boyfriend the chance to settle their life down before committing to taking her back full-time. This was a little disappointing for daughter as she'd anticipated something slightly different, but it's good for her because at least she knows what the score is now. It's also good for me, because this past six months has been as disruptive and uncertain for me as it has my daughter, so it's good to have some stability and direction for the future.

We watched I, Robot together. It's probably the fourth time I've seen it and I really like it. Daughter saw it for the first time and called at least three important plot or action devices before they happened. This amazed and impressed me greatly; I know she's sharp but for twelve years old she's pretty bloody keen-edged!

I hunted all over town for a particular chocolate bar after daughter saw one on tv and said 'I've never had a Topic bar.' She really appreciated the gesture and liked the chocolate too.